Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ready for the *bling*?

I have a tiny bit of down-time while I'm watching the movers pack the last few boxes of our stuff. Wow, I feel spoiled just saying that! It's been pretty nice, although I am still so tired from being stupid and staying up so late last night. I thought it was much overdue and some peeps may want to see my *bling*..... So here are a few of the best pics I could get a shot of. I LOVE IT! What I love even more about it, is that Jeffery picked it out on his own! He had a pretty good idea of what I liked, but to know he spent (from what I hear) countless hours in a few locations trying to pick the right one, means even more. We've both had a good understanding from the beginning of our marriage-talk days, that our commitment to each other had nothing to do with the ring and everything to do with our love, dreams, devotion and passion to built a great future together. So, don't get me wrong, I am not a material bride that put the meaning of this decision into whether he got me that outstanding ring.... although, my biased opinion thinks he did! The funny thing is that now that I have it, every time I look at it I still get butterflies in my stomach. I am also SO protective of it! I don't really know why I have this strong fear of something happening to it; but the other day I unconsciously took it off to put lotion on my hands and when my eyes looked down and caught that it wasn't on my finger I almost had a heartattack! It took me a good 10 minutes to calm myself down, after realizing I had just set it in front of me on the desk. Now I've learned it's okay to wash my hands with it on, okay to sleep without it on; and Jeff keeps reminding me that it's bound to get scratched, so I shouldn't worry if I think it has already. lol. He keeps me grounded.

Anyway... without further ado...


Sometimes I really don't know why I do the things I do. Like why am I up at midnight writing a blog, when I can think of many other things to be doing?... packing, packing, calling friends back, working, packing. If only my friends were up at midnight on a Wednesday along with me! [update: just took a break from this to chat w/ my sister... I knew she would be up this late too :)] So, the packing... To be honest, I don't really have a lot of packing to do because the moving company will be packing our stuff for us this go-around. The things they wont touch, of which I'm working on tonight: liquor, cleaning supplies, jewelry, my undergarments(!), and my bag of stuff to tide us over through the weekend (thankfully). As of 11:30pm, I had only accomplished packing WAY TOO MANY clothes into my (already full) suitcase; of which I had to chase Oscar out of about 5 times. :)

I think we both feel like the countdown for our move finally began this morning, when we received a call from the moving company saying that they'd be here tomorrow morning (Thursday). It only took them a week and a half to finally set the date! So we'll help the movers get everything packed & loaded Thursday, clean up the apt., and then drive down to Portland on Friday morning. Yah! Wish us luck on getting the cats in their crates in under an hour, because that is almost how long it took us to do it last time! Uhgg.

Since I still don't have much news on the wedding front, location & date-wise, I will leave you with a few of my current color inspirations. I have full faith in the fact that all my little pieces of inspiration will soon be pieced together. I just have a really good feeling about it (which I should)! I can't wait to get home to my best friends, mom & sister so that they can help me get to plannin'.

I will admit, I've been eying these for awhile now. We were together over five years before the proposal! ;) But you'll be happy to know that Jeff has approved two of them, now I just need to find the right combo. I love them all! I may just pick a hue (betcha can't guess which one, hehe) and do any/all shades of it. We'll see - I'll post my inspiration boards as I put them together.
Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend!
Love ~J

{all color boards found via 100 Layer Cake - one of my favs!}

Friday, May 15, 2009

Getting antsy...

Okay, I really should be in bed right now and I don't think I've made it there before midnight one night this week; to no one else's fault but my own. I have no update on wedding planning or our move. We have a whole lotta little details that as of right now, don't feel like their going anywhere. Alright...I'm whining...sorry. I will stop now and just tell you what I do know:

Keep telling everyone that we're waiting to plan wedding until after the move is out of the way...

It has been so hard not to move forward with wedding planning, so I broke down and bought my first few wedding magazines... of which I have not even looked through yet, can you believe it?!!

The more I bring up wedding, the more I find Jeff mentioning buying a house first...

I am torn about the afformentioned issue.

One of my girlfriends called me a week after our engagement to tell me the exact same news for herself... makes me really want to plan wedding even more...

Kind of feeling the urge to plan a quick wedding now... 4 months maybe? But probably not.

OH! I found us a great place to live last weekend and soon we'll be able to call ourselves official Portland'ers (based on the new address). WHOOP WHOOP!

When I drive along Lake Washington everyday I get really sad to leave a place I already love living in so much...

Had a great drink/dinner date with some fabulous girlies from my Western days... they are amazing, just what I needed to get me through this stressful week, and helped me remember that really great friends won't go anywhere.

I know I have a TON of campaign launches & projects going on at work right now, but been struggling every day for the motivation to stay on top of stuff. I had been doing really good.

Jeff learned the last few days that his company will be giving us crazy amounts of money for our move... I still tell him I'll believe it when I see it...

The amount that we'll receive, aside from what they're paying the movers, could come close to the down payment on a house... {or wedding???} :)

Just found out the moving company is going to pack our stuff... big sigh of relief... but that was yesterday...

Moving company has yet to call and set up a date to come pack/move our stuff. When they do, it could be a 5 day range for them to actually show up & another 5 day range they have to drop it off at the destination. We're only moving 3 hrs away! ..... 'nuff said.

I am so tired and think I will head to bed now. On an exciting note, my Grandma & Grandpa are moving back up to the PacNW this weekend (snowbirds) and I get to see them before our move down south. They are my favorite people in the whole world, can't wait!

Hope everyone is having a great week and enjoys the sun this weekend!

Love ~J

Friday, May 8, 2009

When it pours?

Our few blog followers may be losing faith in me by now, but let me just tell you... when it rains, it pours. That might be a little cliché, and you may think this means there has been some bad stuff happening this week; but in fact, it couldn't be more contrary. I'm sorry that neither Jeff or I have posted our engagement stories yet. It was definitely planned for earlier this week, but then we had a little more craziness added to our life... as if getting engaged and having to call everyone & their mother to tell of the news isn't enough (don't get me wrong, I was very happy to make all those calls).

Here it goes...

The actual day that we got engaged (I would say refer back to the story, but you do not know it yet - you'll understand soon), Jeff also received a phone call with an opportunity that we definitely were not expecting. When the call came in, I sat in the background in shock with my jaw probably down to my chest; we were in the car, so the timing could not have been more random either; and I was still reeling from the proposal. We talked it over a lot the following few days, while we were still keeping the engagement a semi-secret and then finally it became more and more evident that this other big change was probably going to happen. Once that sunk in, it involved much more thought, research and time from this week. The final word just came in... by choice and chance.... we are now officially moving back home!

Portland, here we come!
Jeff has accepted the offer to take over the GG store in Beaverton, OR. I think we are both SO SO ecstatic for the chance to be around all our direct family & really good friends again! I am especially excited for what it brings for my wedding planning stuff. :) And if all of that wasn't great enough... After communication with my company, I was granted the opportunity to stay on with them and will work remotely from home when we get there! I am having a hard time believing just how lucky & blessed we are right now!

Will write more later. Time for another adventure. Life is good.


{photo courtesy of Portland Ground: Pictures of Portland Oregon}

Sunday, May 3, 2009


I'm writing because I need to feel like I've been productive; although I did wake up with my fiance, play tennis, cleaned house (j/k, I more directed him while he cleaned house), ran errands (haha, another joke, it was more pleasure @the mall), cooked a fabulous dinner (lemon garlic orzo pasta w/ chicken), and before I go to bed I will finish putting away my clothes..I do feel productive. So, let me correct myself...I need to feel productive on this blog!

A lot, a LOT, has happened since my last post. Most significant out of everything: Jeff asked me to marry him - and we are now officially engaged!!! Yaaahhh! The actual engagement event spans an entire week, and for anyone that has gone through this, you probably understand that I feel like we're still in the whirlwind of our engagement 'story'. We have not even had the chance to call all of our family members to tell them, I have yet to chat with a lot of my close girlfriends about how it happened (sorry girls), and NO, we have not planned a date yet. lol. I know that this is a question I will continue to get on a daily basis, so I better get used to it.

Needless to say, I (WE) are very excited! Not a lot feels like it has changed for us, seeing as we've been together for almost 6 yrs. - living together 3 1/2,and faithfully known for some time that we planned to spend the rest of our lives together. But that's okay, because I can't act ignorant to the fact that things will change and may feel overwhelming at times through the wedding planning process. I hope that Jeff can help me keep a level head. ;)

Jeff and I made a deal that we would both post our story/version of the engagement events, and I think you may see some more posts from Jeff from here forward. I'm looking foward to it. I just love watching the both of us grow every day, learning from the experiences He allows us to encounter in life, and learning more about each other and how we can love each other whole-heartedly every day. Alright, enough sappiness.... I know you want to hear the story now, but it will have to wait until tomorrow. Gots to go cut Jeff's hair, or la....nevermind. ;) Hahaha, I think I'm hilarious.

Tomorrow I will post about how this engagement rolled out, and then you'll see Jeff's tale in the next few days.

Love to all,

"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." ~Emily Brontë