Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mosaic Me

Well, it's been awhile. I should honestly be in bed right now, because I'm running on about 2hrs of sleep. Problems? No, not really, only that Jeff is out of town in Pittsburgh for business and I have this horrible problem staying up until freakish hours keeping myself occupied while he is gone. It's not like I have a problem sleeping when he's not here, or even that I get bored without him (anyone who knows me well, knows that I can keep myself distracted for hours)...but I think it's just a bad habit from the first time we moved and he had to take this same trip for over a week. I was so scared staying by myself in a new town, new apt, and I kept getting these prank calls late late at night. So of course, I was freaked out! I stayed up every night w/ all the lights on until about 3-4am, then finally fell asleep w/ scissors under my pillow and cell in hand. LOL. From there forward, I just have this habit of staying up late when he is gone....

Anyways, I just started Nights in Rodanthe, so I will make this short. I nabbed this from a friend's blog and thought it was kind of fun. I will try and post one for Heffe when he gets back. One a side note, I got my hair cut today and it's REALLY short and I have bangs! Me-bangs, haven't had them since I was 5! I will try to post a pic soon.

p.s. I'm an artist and respect giving others' credit for their work, but if I had...you would know the answers to my pics :)? Hope they forgive me...

Here's how it goes:

Step 1: go to flickr.com
Step 2: in another window open http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/mosaic.php
Step 3: choose 4 columns, 3 rows
Step 4: answer the following questions in the search bar of flicker. pick your favorite one on the first page and paste it into your mosaic
  1. What is your first name?
  2. What is your favorite food?
  3. What school did you go to?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. Who is your celebrity crush?
  6. Favorite drink?
  7. Dream vacation?
  8. Favorite dessert?
  9. What you want to be when you grow up?
  10. What do you love most in life?
  11. One word to describe you.
  12. Your nickname.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Can't wait to see the picture of you with short hair! Where did you go to get it done?