Monday, March 16, 2009

My Monday Relief

You know when you wake up from a restful weekend, deceived, thinking that you will have a smooth transition into the week...but then...dun dun duuun...chaos!?!?! Okay, my day wasn't that bad; that was a slight overreaction. But I did have a really restful and productive weekend, went to bed at a decent time (for once), [everything in between], got to work this morning and immediately fell into an insanely busy and chaotic work day! Oh my. At first, I was really worried that this was a bad sign for the week ahead of me, but the end of my day.... I got home to a fully cooked dinner by Jeff and it just got better from there (and it's not even over yet)!!

I hope everyone else had a great Monday & has an even better week! Here are some of my Monday reliefs*:
[*Disclosure: Monday is one of our main TV nights, you'll catch on]

1. Watching The Haney Project w/ Jeff and seeing how entertained & passionate he is about golf. I have to admit, the show is pretty funny. If you've never seen Charles Barkley's swing, you've got to check it out! We also had a jaw dropping moment seeing someone we knew & worked with from Beaverton on the show.
[photo courtesy of]

2. Seeing the new Hershey's Kiss commercial for the first time. It is so cute!

3. Falling upon my new favorite design & fashion blog oh, hello friend - You should definitely keep her in your feed to see her daily's:

[all images courtesy of oh, hello friend]

4. AWESOME CBS Monday night shows
[all images courtesy of &]

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