Saturday, October 4, 2008

New Adventures

Well, as is to all new bloggers, this feels really foreign. I am not quite sure why, due to the fact that I am pretty computer savvy and enjoy the creative aspect to things like this. Either way, this is one of my new adventures...'our' blog! I, of course, will do almost ALL the blogging, but I'm sure if I win a bet or two I can persuade Jeff into doing one. I will admit to everyone up front that I can be pretty corny, so forgive me. I can also be indecisive, so if I change up our layout many times, just attribute it to that and my artistic side. :) Anyways, I don't want to be a sugar-coated blogger and I hope to show you portions of our/my life, thoughts and adventures...good/bad, ups/downs. Hope you all enjoy. Much love, Jess (& Jeff)

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