Saturday, January 17, 2009

"The road to a friend's house is never long." -Danish Proverb

So far, we are having a great 2009! However, I attribute part of this to our great start to this great new year.... it was spent with awesome friends (hence, the headline). Shortly before New Year's Eve, Jeff and I had realized that in all 5 1/2 years we've been together we have never really taken part in "exciting" New Year's plans. Obviously, we always have fun together...but that's just it, it's always been just us. Except for our first year together, as Jeff didn't invite me to spend it with him & his friends, lol. (I love you hunny, if you read this, as you are probably rolling your eyes - and no, I won't let you live that one down) :) track. This year, Stef & Trey came up to Seattle to stay with us and ring in the new year downtown. The night started off almost questionable, as we headed downtown late. This was due to me and a little fiasco thinking that I lost my ID right before we left, hahaha. Needless to say, found it! After dinner we headed towards the Seattle Center and were w/in a block radius to watch the Space Needle fireworks. They were awesome! We were a little rain-soaked by the time we left, but it did not matter or dampen our spirits at all. Following that, we were entertained by Chopstix & watching the really drunk people get sick outside, walking for what felt like miles to find a cab, having the longest cab ride of my life (and I kid you not, almost peeing my pants) and playing Rock Band until 4:30 in the morning. Obviously, we were having a great time.

All I can say is thank you, to Stef & Trey...for a great start to this great new year! I have known Stef since she moved to Camas when we were Sophomores in High School. We have been through a few moves, distance, heartbreak, loss, a lot of growing up, a wedding & most of all...many many fun times together. They visited us when we lived in Boise and now Seattle, and I've always tried to make it home to see them a few times a year... the distance between our houses is never long (or at least we never let it get between us).

I hope that both Stef and Trey know how much their friendship means to us. :) And, I hope that everyone else had a great New Year's. We wish you a happy new year, full of great friendship, love and adventure!

Here are some shots from our night (sorry some of the quality isn't good):

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Just your normal commute in Seattle

Trying to get to Linds'. Not sure if I was going to make it. Flooded roads and insane traffic. Boo. But I made it. Yah. Wish me luck going home. p.s. I love my sister.

UPDATE: sorry all, for the random stuff my phone added to the bottom of my post...not sure if I will do that again. how annoying!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

MIA - the last 3 months

So, I'm still sick and not feeling up to writing a whole lot, even though I have so much I wanna blog about. In the meantime, here's a recap in photos of what we've been up to the last 3 months.'s snowing here...AGAIN! Grrr.

OCT/NOV '08: Lots of family stuff - helped my beautiful cousin Tarah & her friend do their hair for Homecoming, Thanksgiving in Maple Valley, Pike Place Market w/ Jeff's Dad; and a little bit of fun with the girls back home.

NOV/DEC '08: Metallica concert, McNeley Xmas Party (where we were the only ones festively dressed), hosted a family get-together w/ a sweet white elephant exchange, snowed-in & worked from home for almost a week, and LOTS of Christmas fun with the family.
**Got a job in November as well, whoohoo - working at AT&T Mobility's B2B Marketing

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Some Changes

Okay, it's time for some brutal honesty.... I do not think I will ever get Jeff to blog on this site; which I am okay with. I must admit however, that I do not want to strive at only posting the things about 'our' life because of it. You may see some changes from here on out with the blog, mainly that there will be more stuff/style of just 'mine' :) In all reality, Jeff is the other half of 'my' life, so it will be natural for me to post about 'our' life together.... and I'm keeping the URL the same.

This may be seen as selfish, but in all reality, this blog is being written for myself and a way for me to creatively express life events, opinions & passions....and in order for me to be successful at it, I'm gonna have to open up the doors. I think I haven't posted very much for two reasons - 1) I'm a procrastinator (since this post is about honesty), and 2) I'm always striving to post stuff about only the things we do together & not the other aspects of my life. Since keeping up on the blog is one of my New Year's resolutions, I'm relaying this message to you and hoping it helps me feel free to post more stuff about my (and our) life.

I am pretty confident that those already tracking this blog (which is probably a small number), or those that find it down the road, will not mind or notice this change.... since I haven't been very good at blogging lately anyways! teeheehee

Feel free to leave me a message, all, so that I know you are out there!

Love ~J

p.s. I just spoke with Jeff about this and he reminded me that he would love to post on this blog, all I have to do is show him how. So, keep an eye out for a post from him. Maybe I'll have to take all of this back, lol.