Sunday, January 4, 2009

MIA - the last 3 months

So, I'm still sick and not feeling up to writing a whole lot, even though I have so much I wanna blog about. In the meantime, here's a recap in photos of what we've been up to the last 3 months.'s snowing here...AGAIN! Grrr.

OCT/NOV '08: Lots of family stuff - helped my beautiful cousin Tarah & her friend do their hair for Homecoming, Thanksgiving in Maple Valley, Pike Place Market w/ Jeff's Dad; and a little bit of fun with the girls back home.

NOV/DEC '08: Metallica concert, McNeley Xmas Party (where we were the only ones festively dressed), hosted a family get-together w/ a sweet white elephant exchange, snowed-in & worked from home for almost a week, and LOTS of Christmas fun with the family.
**Got a job in November as well, whoohoo - working at AT&T Mobility's B2B Marketing

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