This may be a lame post; however, per numerous requests, I'm posting a pic of the new hair. Or, should I said - hairLESSness (yeah, that's totally not a word, but I'm leaving it)! Anyways, we are at the beginning of a long week moving into our new apartment, and I am finding that this hour is the only time I can get something done that I want to do and not feel guilty. It's shaping up to be a normal work week for me, but a tiresome & stressful work week for Jeff (poor guy). As such, I will be recruiting my sister to help me move a little on Wednesday (and pawn-off some furniture on her, hehe). I might post some pictures of our new place (pre-furnishings), but I haven't quite decided if that is creepy or not?? Nothing else new on this front, other than some brainstorming for a fun birthday weekend home (March 5th-8th). If anyone can think of some fun things to do for my birthday weekend in, or around Portland, please let me know! :)
{In the car after haircut, Feb 2009 - not the best, but you'll see more soon}
13 years ago
OMG your hair is ADORABLE!
Looks Very CUTE!!
You are just gorgeous! I've always been so jealous of your natural beauty; the rest of us have to primp for hours to get a decent photo, and you look awesome in a picture you took of yourself in the car. If you weren't so nice I just might have to hate you :)
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