Sunday, May 3, 2009


I'm writing because I need to feel like I've been productive; although I did wake up with my fiance, play tennis, cleaned house (j/k, I more directed him while he cleaned house), ran errands (haha, another joke, it was more pleasure @the mall), cooked a fabulous dinner (lemon garlic orzo pasta w/ chicken), and before I go to bed I will finish putting away my clothes..I do feel productive. So, let me correct myself...I need to feel productive on this blog!

A lot, a LOT, has happened since my last post. Most significant out of everything: Jeff asked me to marry him - and we are now officially engaged!!! Yaaahhh! The actual engagement event spans an entire week, and for anyone that has gone through this, you probably understand that I feel like we're still in the whirlwind of our engagement 'story'. We have not even had the chance to call all of our family members to tell them, I have yet to chat with a lot of my close girlfriends about how it happened (sorry girls), and NO, we have not planned a date yet. lol. I know that this is a question I will continue to get on a daily basis, so I better get used to it.

Needless to say, I (WE) are very excited! Not a lot feels like it has changed for us, seeing as we've been together for almost 6 yrs. - living together 3 1/2,and faithfully known for some time that we planned to spend the rest of our lives together. But that's okay, because I can't act ignorant to the fact that things will change and may feel overwhelming at times through the wedding planning process. I hope that Jeff can help me keep a level head. ;)

Jeff and I made a deal that we would both post our story/version of the engagement events, and I think you may see some more posts from Jeff from here forward. I'm looking foward to it. I just love watching the both of us grow every day, learning from the experiences He allows us to encounter in life, and learning more about each other and how we can love each other whole-heartedly every day. Alright, enough sappiness.... I know you want to hear the story now, but it will have to wait until tomorrow. Gots to go cut Jeff's hair, or la....nevermind. ;) Hahaha, I think I'm hilarious.

Tomorrow I will post about how this engagement rolled out, and then you'll see Jeff's tale in the next few days.

Love to all,

"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." ~Emily Brontë


Brooke said...

I can't wait to hear the story!!!

Amber said...

Congrats!! Can't wait to hear the details!! Love Amber